2023-08-27 03:02 · 3768浏览
Tuday VitaliyHead doctorUltrasound scan doctor
Work experience: More than 20 years
Doctor of the first category
856阅读 · 2023-09-01 18:59
Olga Myroslavivna主任医师胚胎学家
worked at the KIC as a gynecologist.
she went to the Acquisition and Gynecology specialty.
957阅读 · 2023-09-01 18:02
Горбенко Алина ИгоревнаHead doctorObstetrician-gynecologist, Fertility specialist
Клиника проблем планирования семьи Лікар акушер-гінеколог, репродуктолог
Врач отделения ВРТ
961阅读 · 2023-09-01 17:22
Mykolaets IrynaHead doctorObstetrician-gynecologist, fertility specialist
Work experience: More than 10 years
Doctor of the highest category
786阅读 · 2023-09-01 17:22
Sarbey YevgeniyaHead doctorObstetrician-gynecologist
Work experience: More than 10 years
Doctor of the highest category
865阅读 · 2023-09-01 16:57
Nina SergeevnaHead doctor生殖医学专家
An information and training course called ultrasound diagnostics in mammology.
at the OHSS ultrasound diagnostics clinic.
Qualification enhancement. The TU cycle "Diagnostics and Treatment of Different Patologies of the Breast Rabbit", m.Kiv.
875阅读 · 2023-09-01 16:56
Романе ПетровичуHead doctorObstetrician-gynecologist, Fertility specialist
Рівненський обласний клінічний лікувально-діагностичний центр ім. В. Поліщука
950阅读 · 2023-09-01 15:32
Zaika Larisa VladimirovnaHead doctorObstetrician-gynecologist
Work experience: More than 34 years
Doctor of the highest category
815阅读 · 2023-09-01 15:27
Dmytro BiletskyiHead doctorReproductive doctor
Internship in clinical obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Kharkov
Resident of № 2, Kharkov obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital
Obstetrician and gynaecologist, evron Central Hospital (Libya)
869阅读 · 2023-09-01 14:43
Tamara Anatoliyivna主任医师生殖医学专家
Obstetrics and gynecology clinic No.2 hemelinitzki obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital
Clinical residents of Vinnytsia Medical College
772阅读 · 2023-09-01 14:33
Natalia OleksandrivnaChief physicianReproductive Endocrinologist
Co-owner of the Medical Center "Mother and Child"
Doctor of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
she passed an internship in the specialty "obstetrician-gynecologist of children and adolescence" on the basis of the obstetrics and gynecology department of the Kiev maternity hospital №3 and clinical residency in the specialty "obstetrics-gynecology".
952阅读 · 2023-09-01 14:29
Trigubchak OksanaHead doctor生殖学家
Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Department of Maternal, Child Health and Sanatorium and Resort Services.
maternity hospital №1 in Sumy.
worked within the framework of the state program “Genetic Monitoring in Ukraine”.
830阅读 · 2023-09-01 13:34
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