C. Terence Lee, MD,Head doctor,FERTILITY CARE知名试管婴儿医生,毕业于University of California Irvine (UCI) (MD–PhD),擅长卵巢早衰,多囊卵巢,染色体异常等试管助孕医疗技术,是拥有较高声誉的Orange County Fertility Specialist。
C. Terence Lee, MD, Orange County Fertility Specialist, More than 20 Years in Reproductive Endocrinology
He earned top honors at the University of California Irvine (UCI) College of Medicine and remained there for his residency in obstetrics and gynecology.
Dr. C. Terence Lee graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Northwestern University with a degree in psychology.
He then completed a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology at Cedars Sinai – UCLA Health System.
He currently is active in medical education, giving lectures to and supervising obstetrics residents and medical students at two medical schools, including his alma mater, UCI, where he earned the teaching award as voted on by the medical students.