Hyang (Hailey) Park, M.S. ,Head doctor,WFI知名试管婴儿医生,毕业于The university of Daegu in Korea(MD–PhD),擅长多囊卵巢,染色体异常,男性不育等试管助孕医疗技术,是拥有较高声誉的Obstetrician-gynecologist, Fertility specialist。
Western Fertility Institute Embryology Technical Supervisor
Hyang (Hailey) Park, MS is a senior embryologist at Western Fertility Institute. She received her MS degree in biotechnology from the university of Daegu in Korea.
She is a member of American Association of Bioanalysts and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
She was trained and served as an embryologist at CHA global organization until 2012.